At Alta Medical, We believe that the best primary care medicine is both personal and affordable, and that’s what we offer.

As a Direct Primary Care provider, we focus on you and your health without the unnecessary intrusion of insurance companies.

Our patient-centered approach ensures that you receive the attention, time, and quality care you deserve. Experience healthcare the way it should be. Our comprehensive range of services covers everything from preventive care to chronic disease management.

From routine check-ups to personalized treatment plans, we're here to guide you on your journey to optimal health. With Alta Medical's direct primary care model, you're in control of your health. No surprise bills, no hidden fees – just accessible, high-quality care whenever you need it.

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We Do Not Accept Health Insurance: Unlike traditional healthcare providers, we do not participate in health insurance plans. This deliberate choice allows us to focus entirely on delivering uncompromised, personalized care to you. Alta medical does not replace insurance, and ideally, we encourage our patients to carry a high deductible or major medical plan for unforeseen emergencies.